Electric Mobility

The University of Costa Rica (UCR) is promoting different projects and investigations that support an energetic evolution, and the Engineering Faculty is one of the biggest pillars in said field. For example, initiatives such as biodiesel production and usage, or electricity generation through organic debris, as coffee waste. 

Up until now, there are some projects that respond to the upcoming need of relegating iinternal combustion engines due to the greenhouse effect gases. These initiatives create the alternative of using electrical engines, and are developped at the Electric Power and Energy Research Laboratory (EPERLab) at the Electrical Engineering School (UCR). 

For more information, please refer to: https://www.ucr.ac.cr/noticias/2018/06/06/ucr-marcha-hacia-una-completa-...


Las tendencias actuales se dirigen hacia un uso racional de los recursos naturales y un entorno …

Sunday, July 29, 2018 - 19:57